INSEAD MBA Program – A Complete Overview

By Arvind Kumar

Embarking on an INSEAD MBA journey is a transformative experience that combines academic excellence, global perspectives, and career advancement. 

In this comprehensive overview, we delve into every aspect of the INSEAD MBA program, providing insights into the Class of 2023 profile, the employment reports for the Class of 2022, salary distributions across industries and locations, the meticulously crafted curriculum, fees and related expenditures, scholarship opportunities, and the intricacies of the admissions process. 

Join us as we navigate the multifaceted landscape of INSEAD, uncovering the elements that make it a globally acclaimed hub for leadership development.

INSEAD MBA Class profile

INSEAD’s MBA class profile includes approximately 900 – 1,000 students across two intakes in January and August.

The average age of students is 29 years, with a range of 3-8 years of work experience. The class is highly diverse, comprising individuals from 110 different nationalities, and 38% of the students are women. Geographically, the class is distributed across various regions, with 37% in Europe, 34% in Asia Pacific, 12% in North America, 9% in South America, 5% in the Near/Middle East, and 4% in Africa.

Here is an overview of INSEAD class profile of its MBA program

  • A Typical Class  – 900 – 1,000 Students (Two Intakes: Jan & Aug) 
  • Average Age – 29 years, Range: 23 – 35 years
  • Years of Work Experience – 3-8 years
  • Average GMAT – 710
    • INSEAD does not have a minimum required GMAT score.
    • INSEAD recommends a score at or above the 70th percentile in both the quantitative and verbal sections. For the Integrated Reasoning section, the school recommends a score of 6 or above.
    • For the Gmat Focus Edition (GFE), INSEAD recommends a 60th percentile on the Verbal component (80), and a 66th percentile on the Quantitative (80) and Data Insights components (77).
  • Nationalities – 110
  • Women – 38% 
  • Geographical Diversity
    • Europe – 37%
    • Asia Pacific – 34%
    • North America – 12%
    • South America – 9%
    • Near/Middle East – 5%
    • Africa – 4%

INSEAD MBA Employment: Class of 2023

Overall Compensation Across Sectors and Regions in 2023

MetricAmount (EUR)
Overall Annual Mean Salary113,400
Overall Annual Median Salary109,600
Overall Median Sign-on Bonus28,500
Overall Median Performance Bonus25,100
Source – INSEAD Employment Report 2023

Key takeaways:

  • The overall compensation for the Class of 2023 is strong, with a mean salary of EUR 113,400 and a median salary of EUR 109,600.
  • The median sign-on bonus and performance bonus are substantial, standing at EUR 28,500 and EUR 25,100, respectively.

Career Decision by Sector Group

Sector GroupNew Hires (%)Returnees (%)
Management Consulting4417
Financial Services104
Technology, Media & Telecom81
Corporate Sectors133
Source – INSEAD Employment Report 2023

Key takeaways:

  • With 44% of new hires entering management consulting, it remains a highly sought-after sector among INSEAD graduates, emphasizing the program’s appeal for those aspiring to consulting careers.
  • The returnee percentage is higher in Management Consulting compared to other sectors, indicating a significant number of former employees returning after graduation.

Salary by Industry

Management Consulting

MetricAmount (EUR)
Overall Annual Mean Salary118,200
Overall Annual Median Salary113,200
Overall Median Sign-on Bonus28,500
Overall Median Performance Bonus26,800
Source – INSEAD Employment Report 2023

Key takeaways:

  • Management Consulting offers a competitive mean salary of EUR 118,200 and a substantial median salary of EUR 113,200.
  • The median sign-on bonus and performance bonus are both significant, standing at EUR 28,500 and EUR 26,800, respectively.

Financial Services

MetricAmount (EUR)
Overall Annual Mean Salary105,400
Overall Annual Median Salary98,400
Overall Median Sign-on Bonus33,400
Overall Median Performance Bonus25,100
Source – INSEAD Employment Report 2023
Sub-sector Breakdown – Financial Services
Sub-sectorNo. of graduatesSalary Range (EUR)MeanMedianMedian Sign-on BonusMedian Performance Bonus
Insurance756,700 – 103,80083,60083,00020,000
Investment Banking / Banking / Sales and Trading1660,000 – 205,200122,500129,80039,00080,700
Investment Management / Hedge Funds1559,500 – 213,900115,300121,10030,80027,700
Other Financial Services1157,000 – 142,60097,00098,00015,000
Private Equity / Venture Capital2750,000 – 173,000101,80095,00020,00035,000
Source – INSEAD Employment Report 2023

Key takeaways:

  • Financial Services present a diverse range of sub-sectors with varying salary ranges and bonus structures.
  • Investment Banking stands out for its high mean and median salaries, as well as substantial sign-on and performance bonuses.

Corporate Sectors

MetricAmount (EUR)
Overall Annual Mean Salary107,100
Overall Annual Median Salary100,300
Overall Median Sign-on Bonus19,500
Overall Median Performance Bonus19,400
Source – INSEAD Employment Report 2023

Sub-sector Breakdown – Corporate Sectors
Sub-sectorNo. of graduatesSalary Range (EUR)MeanMedianMedian Sign-on BonusMedian Performance Bonus
Corporate Services650,000 – 180,80097,70086,000
Energy1272,700 – 427,700142,800118,80030,000
Healthcare1663,400 – 174,100109,700110,00020,00017,300
Manufacturing / Conglomerates2021,000 – 175,00092,80095,50028,90014,300
Primary Industries561,900 – 142,600101,10092,000
Public Sector / Impact Economy537,800 – 125,00084,50082,000
Retail Consumer and Luxury Goods1551,900 – 165,300106,600100,60016,60027,800
Source – INSEAD Employment Report 2023

Key takeaways:

  • Corporate Sectors offer diverse opportunities, with Energy showcasing the highest mean salary, and Manufacturing standing out for its significant median performance bonus.
  • The absence of sign-on bonuses in Corporate Services indicates variations in compensation structures across sub-sectors.

Technology Media and Telecommunications

MetricAmount (EUR)
Overall Annual Mean Salary103,900
Overall Annual Median Salary98,600
Overall Median Sign-on Bonus27,900
Overall Median Performance Bonus26,600
Source – INSEAD Employment Report 2023

Sub-sector Breakdown – Technology Media and Telecommunications
Sub-sectorNo. of graduatesSalary Range (EUR)MeanMedianMedian Sign-on BonusMedian Performance Bonus
E-commerce / Internet1049,700 – 193,70095,50088,10031,200
Fintech1051,100 – 172,500108,200107,700
Information Technology / Telecommunications2528,300 – 144,000110,700114,10028,50028,500
Source – INSEAD Employment Report 2023

Key takeaways:

  • Technology, Media & Telecommunications showcase a competitive landscape, with Information Technology / Telecommunications offering the highest mean salary and median performance bonus.
  • Fintech stands out for its high median salary, and E-commerce / Internet displays a significant median sign-on bonus.

Salary by Location

RegionNo. of graduatesSalary Range (EUR)Mean (EUR)Median (EUR)Median Sign-on Bonus (EUR)Median Performance Bonus (EUR)
Africa / Middle East10257,000 – 216,200138,200133,10044,10037,300
Asia Pacific11021,000 – 205,200100,800103,20024,40024,000
Eastern Europe753,000 – 140,60087,10075,300
North America5080,800 – 427,700158,400142,60023,00038,000
Northern Europe1069,200 – 123,800103,100109,00023,00028,400
South America2948,900 – 149,70086,90076,00057,70023,800
Southern Europe5543,100 – 175,00083,50083,00020,00020,000
Western Europe19936,900 – 206,600110,000109,60031,00020,700
Source – INSEAD Employment Report 2023

Key takeaways:

  • Africa / Middle East: This region offers the highest mean salary and median sign-on bonus, indicating lucrative opportunities for INSEAD MBA graduates. The median performance bonus is also substantial.
  • Asia Pacific: Despite a broad salary range, the mean and median salaries are relatively balanced. The sign-on and performance bonuses contribute positively to the overall compensation.
  • Eastern Europe: Limited data with a lower median salary suggests potentially fewer opportunities in this region. The absence of sign-on and performance bonuses indicates a different compensation structure.
  • North America: Boasting the highest salary range, North America offers the most lucrative opportunities. The median performance bonus is notably higher than other regions.
  • Northern Europe: With a focused salary range, Northern Europe offers competitive mean and median salaries. The sign-on and performance bonuses contribute to the overall compensation package.
  • South America: While the mean salary is moderate, the substantial median sign-on bonus stands out. The median performance bonus further enhances the overall compensation.
  • Southern Europe: Offering a diverse range of opportunities, Southern Europe displays a balanced compensation structure with a moderate mean salary and median bonuses.
  • Western Europe: The region has the most extensive data set, showcasing a balanced salary range. The mean and median salaries are competitive, with a substantial median sign-on bonus.

Top Employers – INSEAD Class of 2023

The employment landscape for the INSEAD MBA Class of 2023 showcases a diverse range of top employers. The table below provides insights into the companies that attracted the highest number of graduates:

CompanyGraduates EmployedReturnees
McKinsey & Company12443
Boston Consulting Group8325
Bain & Company7118
Roland Berger136
Ernst & Young10
Oliver Wyman73
Eli Lilly and Company5
Alvarez & Marsal41
Morgan Stanley41
Restaurant Brands International4
Source – INSEAD Employment Report 2023

Key takeaways:

  • Consulting Dominance: McKinsey & Company, Boston Consulting Group, and Bain & Company lead the hiring, reflecting the strong presence of consulting firms in the preferences of INSEAD graduates.
  • Returnee Trends: A significant number of graduates returned to their former employers, with McKinsey & Company having the highest returnee rate.
  • Diversity in Sectors: While consulting dominates, there is diversity with the presence of technology giants like Samsung and Amazon, as well as pharmaceutical companies like Eli Lilly and diverse industries represented.


3% of the INSEAD Class of 2023 pursued entrepreneurship as a career path.

Type of Company Created

Type of CompanyPercentage
Creating a Startup59%
Acquiring a Company27%
Returning to Own Venture14%
Source: INSEAD MBA Employment Report 2023 on Entrepreneurship

Key takeaways:

  • Startup Creation Dominates: A significant majority of entrepreneurial graduates (59%) chose to create their own startups, showcasing a strong entrepreneurial spirit within the INSEAD community.
  • Diverse Entrepreneurial Paths: While startup creation is prevalent, a substantial portion (27%) opted to acquire existing companies, and a notable 14% returned to their own ventures. This diversity in entrepreneurial paths underscores the varied ambitions and strategies of INSEAD entrepreneurs.

Entrepreneurship by Region

Western Europe54%
Asia Pacific25%
Africa / Middle East8%
North America4%
South America4%
Eastern Europe4%
Source: INSEAD MBA Employment Report 2023 on Entrepreneurship

Key takeaways:

  • European Entrepreneurial Hub: Western Europe emerges as a strong entrepreneurial hub among INSEAD graduates, with 54% of entrepreneurial ventures originating from this region.
  • Global Spread: While Western Europe leads, there is a global spread of entrepreneurship, with Asia Pacific, Africa/Middle East, North America, South America, and Eastern Europe all contributing to the entrepreneurial landscape.
  • Asia-Pacific Growth: The Asia Pacific region, with 25%, reflects a notable presence of entrepreneurs, indicating a growing trend in this dynamic region.

Entrepreneurship by Industry

Retail Consumer and Luxury Goods8%
Primary Industries4%
Travel and Hospitality4%
Corporate Services4%
Management Consulting13%
Technology Media and Telecommunications13%
Information Technology / Telecommunications4%
E-commerce / Internet4%
Financial Services
Private Equity / Venture Capital8%
Real Estate4%
Source: INSEAD MBA Employment Report 2023 on Entrepreneurship

Key takeaways:

  • Diverse Industry Presence: Entrepreneurs from INSEAD are venturing into a diverse range of industries, from Energy and Education to Retail and Technology.
  • Technology Dominance: Technology-related sectors, including Management Consulting, Technology Media and Telecommunications, and Fintech, collectively account for 39% of entrepreneurial ventures, indicating a strong focus on tech-driven innovation.
  • Notable Financial Presence: Financial sectors, including Financial Services and Private Equity/Venture Capital, constitute 16% of entrepreneurial endeavors, highlighting the significance of finance in entrepreneurship.

Career Changes

In the dynamic landscape of post-MBA careers, the Class of 2023 at INSEAD showcases a remarkable willingness to embrace change. A significant 78% of graduates altered their sector, country, or function, reflecting the adaptability and global mindset fostered by the program. Notably, 25% embarked on a comprehensive transformation, changing all three dimensions.

Career Changes Overview

Type of ChangePercentage
Changed sector, country, or function78%
Changed sector49%
Changed country50%
Changed function57%
Changed all 3 dimensions25%
Source: INSEAD MBA Employment Report 2023 on Career Changes

Changes of Business Sector

For those transitioning from Corporate Sectors, Financial Services, Management Consulting, or Technology Media and Telecommunications, the following shifts were observed:

Former ProfessionalsCorporate SectorsFinancial ServicesManagement ConsultingTechnology Media and Telecommunications
Corporate Sectors31%10%6%12%
Financial Services5%41%6%12%
Management Consulting57%43%82%46%
Tech. Media & Telecom7%6%5%30%
Source: INSEAD MBA Employment Report 2023 on Career Changes

Key takeaways:

  • Dominance of Management Consulting: Graduates from various backgrounds, gravitated towards Management Consulting, highlighting its universal appeal as a post-INSEAD career choice.

Region or Country Changes

Understanding the inclination of graduates to either stay in their home country or explore opportunities abroad provides insights into the global mobility of the cohort. The data presents a breakdown of nationalities within different regions:

Northern Europe3415%85%
Eastern Europe3429%71%
North America6746%54%
Asia Pacific26649%51%
Southern Europe9154%46%
Africa / Middle East3459%41%
South America4464%36%
Western Europe11282%18%
Source: INSEAD MBA Employment Report 2023 on Career Changes

Key takeaways:

  • Global Mobility: Graduates from various regions exhibit diverse patterns of global mobility, with Northern Europe, Eastern Europe, North America and Asia Pacific showcasing a higher inclination for international opportunities.
  • European Residency: Graduates in Western Europe predominantly chose to stay (82%), reflecting a preference for regional stability and familiarity.

Within Selected Nationalities (Home vs. Abroad)

NationalitiesTotalHome (%)Abroad (%)
Source: INSEAD MBA Employment Report 2023 on Career Changes

Key takeaways:

  • Diversity in Nationality Choices: The percentage of graduates staying abroad varies widely among different nationalities, showcasing the diverse preferences and global perspectives of INSEAD MBA graduates.
  • High Mobility for Certain Nationalities: Russian, Lebanese, and Indian graduates exhibit high mobility, with the majority choosing to work abroad.
  • Moderate to Low Mobility: Graduates from countries like British, Dutch, Japanese, and Singaporean show moderate to low mobility, with a preference for staying within their home countries.

INSEAD MBA Curriculum

INSEAD’s MBA program stands out as a dynamic and intensive 10-month journey that equips students with a robust foundation in business fundamentals and offers a diverse array of elective courses to tailor their educational experience.

Programme Structure

The accelerated format spans five periods, each lasting eight weeks and culminating in examinations, essays, or projects. The first phase comprises 14 core courses covering essential management disciplines such as finance, accounting, marketing, economics, leadership, strategy, business ethics, and broader management skills. The second phase unfolds with over 75 elective courses, allowing students to delve deeper into their areas of interest.

Core Courses

The intensive MBA core curriculum lays the groundwork for fundamental business practices. Courses include Financial Accounting, Organisational Behaviour, Financial Markets and Valuation, Prices and Markets, Uncertainty, Data and Judgement, Introduction to Strategy, Corporate Financial Policy, Managing Customer Value, Managerial Accounting, Process and Operations Management, Leadership Communication Foundations, Macroeconomics in the Global Economy, and Business and Society.

Elective Courses

From the third period onwards, students can personalize their program with a selection of over 75 electives across 10 academic areas, ranging from Accounting and Control to Entrepreneurship and Family Enterprise. INSEAD’s unique approach extends beyond the classroom, with elective courses like “Building Business in China” and “Building Business in Silicon Valley,” offering hands-on learning experiences through interactions with local alumni, entrepreneurs, and executives.


The capstone course is a pinnacle experience where theory meets practice, allowing students to integrate core learnings into strategic decision-making. Taking on leadership roles in simulated companies facing strategic challenges, students practice integrating sustainability across management domains, including operations, strategy, accounting, finance, and marketing.

INSEAD’s MBA program not only provides a comprehensive academic foundation but also emphasizes experiential learning, global perspectives, and practical application of knowledge, preparing graduates to excel in diverse and dynamic business.


Embarking on an MBA journey at INSEAD comes with not just academic rigor but also considerations for tuition fees, related expenditures, and estimated living costs. Here’s a breakdown of the financial aspects to help prospective students plan for the August 2024 and January 2025 intakes.

Tuition Fees

For the August 2024 Intake, the tuition fees stand at €99,500, while for the January 2025 Intake, it is €103,500. These fees are payable in installments, catering to both self-funded and company-sponsored participants.

Fee Payment Schedule (August 2024 Intake):

  • First Installment (Approx. 4 weeks after admission offer): €12,000
  • Second Installment (25 July each year): €58,000 (Self-funded) / €87,500 (Company-sponsored)
  • Third Installment (15 January each year): €29,500 (Self-funded)

Fee Payment Schedule (January 2025 Intake):

  • First Installment (Approx. 4 weeks after admission offer): €12,000
  • Second Installment (25 November each year): €61,000 (Self-funded) / €91,500 (Company-sponsored)
  • Third Installment (15 April each year): €30,500 (Self-funded)

The optional Business Foundations Programme incurs an additional cost of €1,500.

Estimated Living Expenses

Living expenses vary, and a survey of INSEAD students outlines basic and optional costs. For a single participant during the ten-month program:


  • Accommodation (includes utilities): €11,000
  • Local Transport: €730
  • Meals: €6,000
  • Telephone: €250
  • Laptop: €1,000
  • Miscellaneous: €1,600
  • Total: €29,980


  • Accommodation (includes utilities): €17,000
  • Local Transport: €1,000
  • Meals: €6,700
  • Telephone: €200
  • Laptop: €1,000
  • Miscellaneous: €1,600
  • Total: €33,000

These estimates serve as a guide, and actual expenses depend on individual circumstances. 

INSEAD MBA Scholarships

At INSEAD, the commitment to fostering a diverse and accomplished student body is exemplified through an extensive array of scholarships, totaling over 150 types, available to students across both the Fontainebleau and Singapore campuses.

Categories of Scholarships

INSEAD’s scholarship offerings fall into three main categories, ensuring that a broad spectrum of students can benefit:

  • Need-Based Scholarships: Tailored to support those requiring financial assistance, need-based scholarships play a vital role in making the transformative INSEAD MBA accessible to talented individuals, regardless of their financial background.
  • Merit-Based Scholarships: Merit-based scholarships acknowledge outstanding achievements, considering factors such as country of origin, professional background, leadership abilities, or a combination of these criteria. This category recognizes and rewards excellence in various dimensions, contributing to the diverse and high-achieving INSEAD community.
  • Spot Scholarships: Exceptional admissions profiles are immediately acknowledged through spot scholarships, eliminating the need for a separate application process. This swift recognition underscores the emphasis INSEAD places on identifying and nurturing exceptional talent from the moment of admission.

Visit the INSEAD Scholarships page to view all available scholarships.

Key Statistics

  • 150+ Scholarship Types: The diversity of scholarships reflects INSEAD’s commitment to catering to a wide range of backgrounds, experiences, and achievements.
  • 21.1K€ Average Scholarship Amount: The average scholarship amount illustrates the substantial financial support provided, making the INSEAD MBA an attainable goal for many aspiring leaders.
  • 36% Candidates With Scholarships: Nearly a third of participants benefit from scholarships, demonstrating the institution’s dedication to ensuring that financial considerations do not hinder qualified candidates from pursuing their MBA dreams.

As a global institution, INSEAD’s scholarships play a pivotal role in creating an inclusive and empowering environment, fostering excellence in leadership across borders. Whether need-based, merit-based, or spot scholarships, each offering is a testament to INSEAD’s commitment to recognizing and nurturing exceptional talent, thereby shaping the future leaders of the business world.

INSEAD MBA Admissions


INSEAD MBA Aug 2024 intake deadlines

RoundApplication DeadlineFinal decision notification
ROUND 1Sep 12, 2023Nov 17, 2023
ROUND 2Nov 7, 2023Jan 12, 2024
ROUND 3Jan 16, 2024Mar 22, 2024
ROUND 4Mar 5, 2024May 10, 2024

INSEAD MBA Jan 2025 intake deadlines

RoundApplication DeadlineFinal decision notification
ROUND 1Mar 12, 2024May 17, 2024
ROUND 2Apr 23, 2024Jul 5, 2024
ROUND 3Jun 18, 2024Aug 23, 2024
ROUND 4Aug 6, 2024Oct 11, 2024

January vs August Intake

There are 2 intakes to the INSEAD MBA program: January (D-batch) and August (J-batch).

What is common between the two intakes

  • Curriculum
  • Class size
  • Alumni network and resources
  • Exchange programs 

Key differences between the two intakes

  • Internship Opportunity
  • Recruitment Timelines
  • Graduation date and place
  • Weather considerations

So, which intake should you choose? Read this article on INSEAD MBA Aug vs Jan intake to know more.

INSEAD MBA Application Process

Embarking on the transformative journey of an INSEAD MBA begins with a comprehensive and well-structured application process. With two intakes a year and a commitment to selecting a diverse cohort, the application process is designed to assess candidates on various criteria, ensuring a holistic evaluation.

Take a look at Adhiraj’s successful INSEAD MBA admissions story where he received a €25,000 scholarship

Application Overview

INSEAD welcomes approximately 500 students per intake, with intakes occurring twice a year. The application process consists of four rounds, and the entire journey from application to admission typically spans around 10 weeks.

Admissions Criteria

INSEAD evaluates candidates based on multiple criteria, reflecting the institution’s commitment to creating a diverse and dynamic learning environment. 

The criteria include the ability to contribute to the INSEAD experience, academic capacity, international motivation, adaptability in multicultural environments, and leadership potential, assessed through work experience and achievements.

Application Stages

Submit Online Application:

  • Complete the online application and attach required supporting documents.
  • Application essays are critical for evaluation, offering an opportunity to showcase personal stories and motivations.
  • An application fee of €250 is non-refundable and must be paid online with a credit card.

Pre-Selection Decision:

  • An admissions officer contacts applicants within a week of submitting the application.

Interviews with Alumni:

  • Conducted by INSEAD Alumni interviewers, typically in the candidate’s country of residence.
  • Two separate interviews are often required.

Admissions Committee Evaluation:

  • Feedback from alumni interviews is considered, and applications are presented to the Admissions Committee, comprising faculty and alumni.

Final Decision:

  • Applicants are notified by email of the final decision, and the entire process takes up to 10 weeks.

Application Requirements

Online Application:

  • Dashboard and Photograph
  • Profile (Sections 2-14)
  • Job Description Questions/Motivation Essays
  • Application fee of €250

Supporting Documents:

  • Official GMAT and GRE scores
  • English language certification (if applicable)
  • Two Letters of Recommendation
  • Curriculum vitae and scanned copies of transcripts and diploma

Official Transcript:

  • Transcripts must indicate both diploma and grades.
  • Uploaded with the application form or sent via post by the applicant or academic institution.
  • Original transcripts and degree required upon admission.

Essay Prompts

The essay questions for the INSEAD MBA program are:

  1. Give a candid description of yourself (who are you as a person), stressing the personal characteristics you feel to be your strengths and weaknesses and the main factors which have influenced your personal development, giving examples when necessary (maximum 500 words).
  2. Describe the achievement of which you are most proud and explain why. In addition, describe a situation where you failed. How did these experiences impact your relationships with others? Comment on what you learned(maximum 400 words).
  3. Describe all types of extra-professional activities in which you have been or are still involved for a significant amount of time (clubs, sports, music, arts, etc). How are you enriched by these activities? (maximum 300 words)
  4. Is there anything else that was not covered in your application that you would like to share with the Admissions Committee? (maximum 300 words)

In addition to the above Motivation essays, the following are the essay prompts related to your ‘Job Description’:

  1. Briefly summarise your current (or most recent) job, including the nature of work, major responsibilities, and where relevant, employees under your supervision, size of budget, clients/products and results achieved. (200 words maximum)
  2. What would be your next step in terms of position if you were to remain in the same company instead of going to business school? (200 words maximum)
  3. Please give a full description of your career since graduating from university. Describe your career path with the rationale behind your choices. (300 words maximum)
  4. Discuss your short and long-term career aspirations with an MBA from INSEAD. (100 words maximum)
  5. If you are currently not working or if you plan to leave your current employer more than 2 months before the programme starts, please explain your activities and occupations between leaving your job and the start of the programme. 

Take a look at this article for INSEAD MBA Sample Essays.

Admissions Video Interview

  • Four video interviews through Kira Talent, assessing motivations, passions, and authenticity.
  • Video interviews complement face-to-face interviews with alumni.

Take a look at this article for INSEAD MBA Video Essay Tips.

The meticulous application process at INSEAD ensures a thorough evaluation of candidates, considering diverse criteria and backgrounds. Aspiring leaders are invited to navigate this process, seizing the opportunity to contribute to and thrive in the globally renowned INSEAD MBA program.

Final Thoughts

As we wrap up this deep dive into the INSEAD MBA Program, it becomes evident that it’s more than just a degree; it’s a life-changing experience. The diverse class profiles, stellar employment reports, and competitive salaries affirm the program’s global impact. From the innovative curriculum and flexible program structure to the intricate details of fees, scholarships, and the admissions process, INSEAD ensures an enriching journey for every student. 

Whether you’re considering the Fontainebleau or Singapore campus, the INSEAD MBA is a gateway to unparalleled opportunities, global perspectives, and a vibrant network that lasts a lifetime.

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