IESE MBA Program – A Complete Guide

By admitStreet Team

With a rich history spanning over six decades, IESE is renowned for its commitment to academic excellence, innovation, and global leadership development. Founded in 1958 in Barcelona, Spain, IESE has since expanded its footprint to include campuses in Madrid, New York City, Munich, and São Paulo, fostering a truly global learning environment.

In this comprehensive guide, we delve into every aspect of the IESE MBA program, providing insights into the class profile, employment reports, curriculum structure, fees, scholarships, and admissions process.

Whether you’re a prospective candidate considering IESE for your MBA journey or just curious about the IESE MBA Program, this guide will serve as your roadmap to success in the IESE MBA program.

IESE MBA Class Profile

The IESE MBA Class of 2024 represents a diverse and accomplished group of individuals from around the globe, bringing with them a wealth of professional experience and cultural perspectives. 

With a focus on gender diversity, international exposure, and a balanced range of academic and professional backgrounds, the class embodies IESE’s commitment to fostering inclusive and dynamic learning environments.

Key Statistics

Years of Experience5.4
International Students85%
Age Average29
Total Students350
GMAT Acceptance Range580-750

Note: The GMAT acceptance range for the IESE MBA Class of 2024 is 580-750, or 545-715 under the Focus edition. IESE recommends a score at or above the 50th percentile under each format.

Work Experience:

  • 60%: 3-6 years
  • 30%: 6-10 years
  • 5%: 10+ years
  • 5%: 2-3 years

Previous Experience:

  • 45%: Corporate Sector
  • 30%: Financial Sector
  • 25%: Consulting

Geographic Origin:

  • 24%: Asia
  • 20%: North America
  • 20%: Latin America
  • 16%: Europe (excluding Spain)
  • 15%: Spain
  • 5%: Middle East & Africa

The diversity within the IESE MBA Class of 2024 extends beyond nationality and gender, encompassing a wide range of professional backgrounds and industry experiences. 

With a significant proportion of students hailing from outside of Spain, the class reflects IESE’s global appeal and its ability to attract top talent from around the world. Additionally, the balance between different sectors such as corporate, financial, and consulting highlights the multidimensional perspectives that students bring to the classroom discussions and collaborative projects

IESE MBA Employment Report: Class of 2023

The IESE MBA Employment Report for the Class of 2023 reflects a robust job placement rate, a diverse recruiting landscape, and high student satisfaction, underscoring the program’s reputation for excellence in career development. 

Let’s delve into the key data points and draw insights from the report.

Key Statistics

  • Job Placement: 94%
  • Recruiting Companies: 400+
  • Student Satisfaction Average: 98%
  • IESE Alumni Network: 57,000+
  • Highest Salary Increase: 144% (after 3 years of graduation, according to Financial Times 2022)
  • Source of Opportunities: 66% from IESE Career Development Center & IESE Network

Salary Details for the IESE MBA Class of 2023

Annual Base Salary (€)€99,500€45,000€194,800
Average Other Compensation (€)€66,900€3,000€361,700
  • The average annual base salary for IESE MBA graduates is €99,500, with salaries ranging from €45,000 to €194,800. This indicates a strong earning potential for IESE graduates in the global job market.
  • Additionally, the average other compensation stands at €66,900, with notable variations ranging from €3,000 to €361,700. This component includes bonuses, incentives, and other forms of supplementary income, reflecting the diverse nature of employment packages received by graduates.

Full-Time Employment by Function

Corporate Management16%
Marketing & Sales8%
Operations & Logistics3%
Information Technology1%
  • Consulting emerges as the most preferred function among IESE MBA graduates, with 49% of graduates opting for roles in this domain. This highlights the strong consulting recruitment pipeline and the appeal of consulting careers among MBA graduates.
  • Finance follows closely behind, with 21% of graduates entering roles in this sector, reflecting the strong presence of financial institutions in recruiting IESE talent.
  • The distribution across other functions such as Corporate Management, Marketing & Sales, Operations & Logistics, and Information Technology underscores the diverse career interests and skill sets of IESE MBA graduates.

Salary by Function

Functional AreaAverage Annual Base SalaryMinMaxAverage of Other CompensationMinMax
  • Consulting roles command the highest average annual base salary of €107,000, accompanied by significant other compensation averaging €75,500. This reaffirms the lucrative nature of consulting careers and the premium placed on consulting expertise.
  • Finance/Accounting and Management roles also offer competitive salaries, with average annual base salaries of €88,600 and €91,700, respectively. However, consulting roles tend to offer higher ‘other compensation’ packages.
  • Marketing/Sales and Other functions, while offering slightly lower average salaries, still provide attractive compensation packages, indicating diverse opportunities for IESE graduates across various functions.

Full-Time Employment by Sector

Diversified Industries20%
  • Consulting continues to dominate as the preferred sector for IESE MBA graduates, with 47% of graduates securing roles in consulting firms. This underscores the strong demand for consulting expertise and the alignment of consulting careers with the skill sets developed during the MBA program.
  • Finance follows closely behind, with 24% of graduates entering roles in this sector, reflecting the breadth of opportunities available in finance-related industries.
  • The significant representation of graduates in Diversified Industries and Technology sectors highlights the versatility of IESE MBA graduates and their ability to thrive in diverse business environments.

Salary by Sector

SectorAverage Annual Base SalaryMin Annual Base SalaryMax Annual Base SalaryAverage of Other CompensationMin Other CompensationMax Other Compensation
  • Consulting and Finance sectors offer the highest average annual base salaries, with Consulting leading at €108,100, followed closely by Finance at €92,200.
  • The range of compensation in Consulting is notably wide, with a minimum base salary of €45,000 and a maximum of €194,800, reflecting the variability in roles and seniority levels within the sector.
  • The technology sector, while offering competitive salaries, demonstrates a narrower range compared to Consulting and Finance, indicating a more standardized compensation structure within the industry.

Full-Time Employment by Region

Europe (excl. Spain)24%
Latin America20%
Middle East11%
North America6%
  • Strong Regional Focus: The data reveals a notable emphasis on regional employment, with Spain and Europe (excluding Spain) collectively accounting for nearly half of full-time employment opportunities (25% and 24%, respectively). This suggests a preference for candidates with regional ties or expertise.
  • Growing Presence in Emerging Markets: Latin America, Asia-Pacific, and the Middle East collectively represent 43% of full-time employment opportunities, indicating a growing presence and demand for skilled professionals in these regions. This trend likely reflects the global expansion and diversification of industries and business opportunities.
  • Limited Representation in North America and Oceania: Despite being major economic regions, North America and Oceania combined only make up 7% of full-time employment opportunities. This suggests either a lower demand for candidates in these regions or a higher level of competition from local talent pools. Candidates targeting roles in these regions may need to explore alternative strategies for securing employment opportunities.

Salary by Region

RegionAverage Annual Base SalaryMin Annual Base SalaryMax Annual Base SalaryAverage of Other CompensationMin Other CompensationMax Other Compensation
Africa & Middle East Asia Pacific€134,300€65,800€194,800€97,700€7,800€252,300
Asia Pacific€94,800€52,300€142,800€61,900€5,100€215,500
Europe (excl. Spain)€99,500€55,000€155,600€67,700€5,000€209,000
Latin America & The Caribbean€92,400€48,700€138,500€96,200€6,100€361,700
North America€138,000€70,500€190,400€62,700€14,300€174,200
  • North America offers the highest average base salary, indicating lucrative opportunities for IESE graduates in the region.
  • Africa & Middle East Asia Pacific follows closely, with an impressive average base salary and substantial other compensation.
  • Spain, while offering comparatively lower average salaries, provides a balance with a lower cost of living and a potentially enriching cultural experience.

IESE MBA Program Structure and Curriculum

The IESE MBA Curriculum which is delivered over 15 months or 19 months is meticulously designed to provide students with a holistic learning experience that equips them with the skills, knowledge, and mindset needed to thrive in today’s dynamic business environment. 

Let’s delve into the program timelines and curriculum structure to understand the journey undertaken by IESE MBA students.

Program PhaseFocus
Orientation WeekBuilding connections, team-building, and introduction to the case method.
Year 1
Term 1Foundation courses covering essential business areas such as Analysis of Business Problems, Capital Markets, Communication, Decision Analysis, Financial Accounting, Leadership, and Marketing Management.
Term 2Intense courses consolidating core competencies including Business Ethics, Managerial Accounting, Marketing Planning and Implementation, Operational Finance, Operations Management, Business Analytics, and Digital Transformation of Organizations and Markets.
Term 3Capstone courses focusing on Competitive Strategy, Corporate Finance, Fundamentals of Entrepreneurial Management, Operations Strategy, and Global Economics.
Summer OptionsOpportunities for corporate internships, summer entrepreneurship experience, or social internship at a non-profit organization.
Year 2
Global Exchange ProgramOptional exchange program at leading business schools worldwide for international exposure and perspective-building.
International ModulesIntensive modules at other IESE campuses or allied business schools across four continents for diverse business insights.
Electives & ConcentrationsA tailored selection of over 130 electives and concentrations in areas such as International Business, Finance, Tech, Data Analytics & Digital Business, Entrepreneurship & Innovation, Sustainability & Responsible Business, and Consulting.

Orientation Week: Building a Strong Foundation

The journey begins with Orientation Week, a week-long immersive experience designed to acclimate students to the IESE community and introduce them to the academic rigor of the program. Through team-building activities and introductions to the case method, students forge connections with their peers and faculty, laying the groundwork for a collaborative and enriching learning experience.

Year 1: Core Courses and Skill Development

Year 1 of the IESE MBA program comprises three terms, each focusing on core competencies essential for managerial success.

Term 1: The first term sets the stage with eight compulsory courses covering a range of foundational topics, from analysis of business problems to financial accounting. Students delve into decision analysis, leadership principles, and marketing management, gaining a comprehensive understanding of key business functions.

Term 2: In the second term, students consolidate their core competencies through seven intensive courses. From business ethics to operations management, each course is designed to deepen students’ understanding of managerial principles and their application in real-world contexts.

Term 3: The final term of Year 1 is dedicated to five core courses, including competitive strategy and corporate finance. Students explore advanced topics in entrepreneurship, operations strategy, and global economics, preparing them to tackle complex business challenges with confidence and clarity.

Summer Options: Customizing the Experience

During the summer break, students have the opportunity to pursue one of three distinct options tailored to their career objectives:

  • Second Year Electives: For students in the 15-month format, summer classes focus on marketing, information systems, and entrepreneurship, allowing for deeper exploration of specific areas of interest.
  • Corporate Internship: Students in the 19-month format can opt for a corporate internship, gaining hands-on experience in their chosen sector and building valuable connections for future career opportunities.
  • Summer Entrepreneurship Experience: This program offers students the chance to concentrate on entrepreneurial ventures, providing support and resources to further develop their startup ideas.

Year 2: Global Perspective and Specializations

In Year 2, students have the opportunity to broaden their horizons through the Global Exchange Program, spending a semester at leading business schools around the world. International modules and electives offer insights into diverse business environments, while concentrations allow students to tailor their studies to specific areas of interest, such as international business, finance, technology, entrepreneurship, or sustainability.

MBA Program Fees at IESE Business School

Investing in an MBA education is a significant decision that requires careful consideration, including an understanding of program fees and payment schedules. 

IESE Business School, renowned for its rigorous curriculum and global perspective, offers an MBA program with transparent fee structures and flexible payment options tailored to students’ needs. Let’s delve into the details of the MBA program fees for the 2024 intake at IESE Business School:

Fee ComponentAmount (€)Due Date
Commitment Fee€3,000*Up to December 15, April 12, June 14, or July 5
Tuition Installment€7,000*Up to January 19, May 10, June 14, or July 5
Payment MBA Year 1€42,500Up to October 15, 2024
Payment MBA Year 2€52,500Up to July 26, 2025**
Total Program Cost€105,000
* For some deadlines applicants must pay both the commitment fee and tuition installment at the same time. The commitment fee and tuition installment are non-refundable.
** Different due dates may apply to loan holders.

IESE MBA Scholarships

When envisioning your journey to pursue an MBA at IESE Business School, financial considerations are undoubtedly a crucial aspect. Fortunately, IESE offers a diverse array of scholarships designed to recognize outstanding achievements, foster diversity, and support future leaders in various fields. 

Here’s a glimpse into the scholarships available for incoming IESE MBA students:

IESE Excellence ScholarshipRecognizes top performers in the application process, emphasizing outstanding achievements and alignment with IESE’s values.
IESE Social Impact ScholarshipAwards students who have made significant social contributions, fostering positive change in society.
IESE Trust ScholarshipRecognizes academic excellence, professional experience, and personal merit, aligning with IESE’s core values.
Forté FellowshipOpen to female applicants demonstrating exemplary leadership, academic excellence, and commitment to women’s empowerment.
IESE Women in STEM ScholarshipSupports women with backgrounds or accomplishments in STEM fields, advocating for gender diversity in these areas.
IESE Women in Management ScholarshipAssists exceptional female applicants with managerial experience and leadership qualities in various industries.
IESE Diversity ScholarshipEncourages diversity by supporting candidates from under-represented nationalities or unique backgrounds.
IESE Leaders in Africa ScholarshipAwards scholarships to African nationals with exceptional work experience and personal merit.
IESE Leaders in Emerging Markets ScholarshipSupports outstanding professionals from developing economies pursuing an MBA at IESE.
IESE Entrepreneurship ScholarshipRecognizes individuals with entrepreneurial spirit, creativity, and a track record of innovation.
IESE Technology & Innovation ScholarshipAssists professionals with expertise in science or technology, driving innovation in their communities.
IESE Leaders in Sustainability ScholarshipSupports applicants passionate about leading sustainable business initiatives, inspiring others in this domain.
IESE Leaders in Non-Profit & Public Sector ScholarshipAids applicants dedicated to societal impact through non-profit or government organizations.
IESE Family ScholarshipProvides financial assistance to students with families, ensuring inclusivity within the IESE community.
IESE Alumni Association ScholarshipRecognizes future MBA students with exceptional work experience and personal merit, supported by the alumni community.

Guidelines and Application Process:

  • IESE MBA scholarships are primarily merit-based, rewarding academic and professional achievements.
  • Scholarships typically cover a range of 10% to 50% of tuition fees, with living expenses not included.
  • Need-based scholarships are available for candidates from emerging markets, requiring clear documentation of financial circumstances.
  • Candidates fully sponsored by companies are discouraged from applying for scholarships, which are intended to support those with financial limitations.
  • All scholarship candidates must submit a cover letter with their application, detailing their achievements and aspirations.
  • Scholarship applications are considered after acceptance into the program and do not impact admissions decisions.
  • The Scholarship Committee meets regularly to review applications and award scholarships, with decisions announced alongside admissions outcomes whenever possible.

IESE MBA Admissions

Understanding the admissions process and key deadlines is crucial for prospective candidates aiming to join the vibrant IESE community. 

Here’s a comprehensive overview of the MBA admissions process at IESE.

Important dates and deadlines

Application RoundsApplication DeadlineInterview Decision ByFinal Decision By1st Deposit Deadline2nd Deposit Deadline
Round 1September 19, 2023October 3, 2023November 20, 2023December 15, 2023January 19, 2024
Round 2January 9, 2024January 26, 2024March 18, 2024April 12, 2024May 10, 2024
Round 3March 21, 2024April 8, 2024May 20, 2024June 14, 2024June 14, 2024
Round 4May 13-31, 2024May 21-June 5, 2024June 3-17, 2024July 5, 2024July 5, 2024

MBA Admissions Process

  1. Apply Online: Submit a completed application form along with Kira video essays, application fee, official transcripts, CV, GMAT/GRE test scores, English proficiency test scores, one letter of recommendation, mandatory essays, and a passport-size digital photograph.
  2. Admissions Pre-committee: Your application will be reviewed by the committee upon receipt of all required documents and payment of the application fee.
  3. Personal Interview: Interviews can be conducted on-campus in Barcelona, via videoconference, or with admissions directors worldwide. Interviews are conducted in English.
  4. Assessment Day: This optional day allows candidates to interact with potential classmates and present their candidacy in an original manner.
  5. Admissions Committee: Your application will be presented to the final committee for review and decision.
  6. Admission: Upon completion of the selection process, you will receive a phone call and email informing you of the committee’s decision.

Additional Information:

  • Video Essay: Candidates are required to complete a Video Essay component as part of the application process.
  • GMAT/GRE Requirement: All candidates must submit valid GMAT or GRE scores.
  • Assessment Day Participation: While not mandatory, participation is highly recommended for candidates invited to attend.

Final Thoughts

As we conclude this guide, equipped with a wealth of knowledge about the IESE MBA program, envision yourself at the forefront of global business leadership, empowered to drive positive change and create lasting impact. 

With a diverse Class Profile representing a multitude of backgrounds, cultures, and experiences, you’ll find yourself immersed in a rich tapestry of perspectives, ideas, and insights, enriching your learning journey and expanding your horizons.

The Employment Report of the graduating class of 2023 underscores IESE’s commitment to producing highly sought-after business leaders equipped with the skills, knowledge, and networks to excel in today’s dynamic global marketplace. Whether you aspire to climb the corporate ladder, launch your own venture, or drive social impact, IESE’s comprehensive MBA Curriculum provides the tools, frameworks, and experiential learning opportunities to help you achieve your goals and make a meaningful difference in the world.

Navigating the financial aspect of your MBA journey is made more manageable with detailed insights into the Fees structure and available Scholarships, ensuring that financial considerations do not hinder your pursuit of academic and professional excellence. 

Finally, understanding the MBA Admissions Process equips you with the knowledge and resources needed to present your candidacy effectively, maximizing your chances of securing a coveted spot in IESE’s esteemed MBA program.

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