London Business School (LBS) MBA Essays: Tips, Analysis, Frameworks for 2025 Intake

By admitStreet Team

The London Business School (LBS) MBA application essays are your opportunity to showcase the depth of your experiences, goals, and unique qualities. This guide will help you craft responses that align with what the LBS admissions committee looks for, while presenting your candidacy in the best light. Let’s dive into each prompt, breaking down what’s required, how to approach it, and some tips to ensure your essay stands out.

LBS MBA Essay 1

What are your post-MBA goals and how will your prior experience and the London Business School programme contribute towards these? (500 words)

What the LBS MBA Admissions Committee Seeks

The LBS admissions committee wants to understand how clearly you’ve thought through your post-MBA career goals and how an LBS MBA fits into this journey. They look for candidates who have both ambitious and realistic goals, showing a solid connection between past professional experience and future aspirations. LBS emphasizes leadership potential, global mindset, and a commitment to creating value—qualities that your essay should reflect. They are interested in knowing why LBS specifically is crucial to your future, not just why you want an MBA.

Framework to Write a Winning Essay

Start with your career vision. The first paragraph should clearly articulate your short-term and long-term career goals. Be specific about the role, industry, and location you aspire to. Mention why these goals are meaningful to you, connecting your personal values or professional passions.

Next, establish a link between your past and future. Discuss how your previous work experience has prepared you for this next step. Highlight the skills you’ve gained, the challenges you’ve overcome, and how these experiences shaped your professional journey. If you’ve switched industries or functions before, this is the place to explain how those transitions have informed your path forward.

In the third part, pivot to London Business School. Explain how LBS, with its global network, leadership development, and specific programs, will fill the gaps in your current skillset. You should also mention the aspects of the LBS culture, extracurricular activities, or specific courses that resonate with your career goals. The more personalized this section is to LBS, the more compelling your case.

Finally, close by linking everything together. Reaffirm how LBS and your prior experience will equip you to achieve your goals. Emphasize the impact you hope to make in your industry or community, and how LBS will be a key catalyst in that journey.

Tips for Writing

  • Be authentic about your goals. Admissions can tell when a goal seems forced or unrealistic.
  • Highlight leadership potential by showing examples of past leadership roles and how an MBA will help you scale your impact.
  • Connect specific LBS offerings to your growth plan, such as particular electives, global immersion experiences, or student clubs.
  • Stay within 500 words, ensuring you balance between your past, future, and LBS without focusing too much on any one area.

LBS MBA Essay 2

What makes you unique? (200 words)

What the LBS MBA Admissions Committee Seeks

This prompt is all about differentiation. LBS looks for candidates who can bring a distinct perspective to their diverse cohort. The committee is interested in understanding what unique qualities, experiences, or perspectives you will contribute to the classroom and the community. They seek candidates who not only stand out individually but also have something exceptional to offer their peers.

Framework to Write a Winning Essay

Begin by reflecting on what truly sets you apart. It could be an unusual career path, a personal hobby, a unique skill set, or a perspective shaped by your life experiences. Whatever you choose, ensure that it’s something that genuinely distinguishes you and will allow you to add value to the LBS community.

Next, briefly explain why this particular trait or experience makes you unique. Be concise but specific—give context to your uniqueness without diving too deep into the backstory. For example, if you’ve lived in multiple countries or speak several languages, explain how that has shaped your worldview and your approach to solving problems.

Conclude by highlighting how this unique quality will enable you to contribute to the LBS community. It could be in the classroom, through extracurricular involvement, or as a leader in one of the many LBS clubs.

Tips for Writing

  • Choose one or two unique aspects of yourself. Don’t try to cover too much in just 200 words.
  • Avoid generic traits like “hardworking” or “team player.” Focus on something specific that others might not claim.
  • Keep it personal. Your story should feel true to you, not something designed to impress.
  • Make every word count. This is a short essay, so edit rigorously for clarity and impact.

Optional Essay

Is there any other information you believe the Admissions Committee should know about you and your application to London Business School? (500 words)

What the LBS MBA Admissions Committee Seeks

This essay is your chance to address any gaps, concerns, or additional aspects of your candidacy that may not have been covered in the previous essays. The admissions committee will be looking for any context that may help them better understand your application, whether it’s an explanation for a gap in employment, an unusual career path, or low grades in your academic history. It’s also an opportunity to highlight accomplishments or experiences that didn’t fit into the other essays but are important to your story.

Framework to Write a Winning Essay

Start by assessing whether you truly need to answer this prompt. If there’s nothing crucial to explain, it’s perfectly acceptable to skip this essay. However, if you do need to address a concern or provide additional information, do so clearly and concisely.

If you’re explaining a gap in your resume or an academic issue, first state the fact, then provide context without making excuses. Show how you’ve grown or what you’ve learned from the situation, and how it has made you a stronger candidate.

Alternatively, if you want to use this space to highlight an accomplishment or an aspect of your background that didn’t fit in the main essays, make sure it’s genuinely additive to your application. Choose something that reinforces your leadership potential, your ability to contribute to the LBS community, or your fit with the program’s values.

End by summarizing how this additional information makes you a stronger candidate for LBS. Keep the tone positive and forward-looking.

Tips for Writing

  • Only use this essay if necessary. If you have nothing significant to add, it’s better to skip it.
  • Address concerns head-on and avoid being defensive. Focus on what you’ve learned and how you’ve grown.
  • Use this space strategically if you want to emphasize an aspect of your background that strengthens your candidacy but wasn’t relevant in the main essays.
  • Stick to 500 words or less, even if you have multiple points to make.

Final Thoughts

The London Business School essays are your chance to demonstrate your leadership potential, global mindset, and unique qualities that will enrich the LBS community. Focus on authenticity, specificity, and reflection in each response, and ensure that your goals and values align with what LBS stands for. By following this guide, you’ll create a compelling narrative that showcases your fit with one of the world’s top MBA programs.

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