INSEAD MBA Interview: Tips to Excel & Commonly Asked Questions

By admitStreet Team

So, you’ve made it to the INSEAD MBA interview stage—congratulations! That’s already a massive achievement, and you should be proud of yourself. But the journey isn’t over yet!

INSEAD interviews are more than just a deep dive into your resume and career goals; they’re about showing who you are as a person and how you’ll fit into the diverse, global community at INSEAD.

This guide is here to help you prepare, stay calm, and make the best impression possible. Let’s dive into what makes the INSEAD interview unique, how to prepare, and tips to crush it on interview day.

What Makes the INSEAD Interview Special?

INSEAD’s interview process has a few key differences compared to other MBA programs, and here’s why it’s unique:

  • You’ll Meet Alumni: Your interview won’t be conducted by admissions officers but by INSEAD alumni. That’s pretty cool because they’ve been in your shoes and understand the journey firsthand.
  • It’s More Like a Conversation: This won’t be a formal, nerve-wracking interrogation. The INSEAD interview is meant to be conversational, which gives you a chance to showcase your personality and dive deeper into your background and goals.
  • You’ll Have Two Interviews: That’s right, two interviews with different alumni. The idea is to give you more than one opportunity to impress, and to gather different perspectives from interviewers with varied backgrounds.

How to Prepare Like a Pro

1. Nail Your Elevator Pitch

You want to start strong, so practice a short, engaging elevator pitch that sums up who you are, why you want an MBA, and why you’re excited about INSEAD.

Aim for about one minute, and keep it natural. Make sure you cover the essentials: your professional background, your goals, and why INSEAD is the perfect school for you.

2. Highlight Your International Experience

INSEAD is all about global perspectives and cultural adaptability. They value candidates who can demonstrate how they’ve thrived in diverse environments.

Think of specific experiences where you’ve worked with people from different cultures or had international exposure. Go beyond simply saying, “I’ve worked in other countries.” Talk about what you learned, how you adapted, and how these experiences shaped your global mindset. This is the time to show off your international savvy.

3. Be Ready to Address Any Red Flags

Got a gap in your resume? Low test scores? It’s totally okay, but be ready to explain them.

Don’t avoid the topic—address it confidently and put a positive spin on it. Show how you’ve grown from the experience and why these issues won’t hold you back moving forward.

4. Prepare Insightful Questions

The alumni interviewing you know a lot about the INSEAD experience, so use this as a chance to ask about things you can’t find on the website. Maybe it’s about a club you’re interested in or a particular class. Ask questions that show your genuine curiosity and desire to understand the program better.

Common Questions You Might Get

INSEAD interviews can go in many directions, but there are definitely some questions that come up regularly. Here are a few you should be prepared for:

Personal Background

  • Tell me about yourself.
  • Walk me through your resume.
  • What do you like to do for fun?

Motivation for an MBA

  • Why do you want an MBA?
  • Why now?
  • Why INSEAD specifically?

Career Goals

  • What are your short-term and long-term career goals?
  • What will you do if your dream job doesn’t happen right after graduation?
  • Which other schools have you applied to?

Value Addition

  • How can you contribute to INSEAD’s class?
  • What unique perspectives do you bring to the table?

Behavioral Questions

  • Describe a challenging team situation you’ve faced.
  • Tell me about a time you worked with someone from a different culture.
  • What’s your biggest weakness, and can you give an example?

Remember again that each interviewer (and hence interview) is unique and thus the above questions are to be considered indicative and not exhaustive.

Top Tips for Interview Success

1. Research Your Interviewer

Before the interview, take a look at your interviewers’ LinkedIn profiles. Get familiar with their career paths, and find some common ground. This will help you feel more comfortable and give you a few conversation starters.

If one of your interviewers works in your industry, they might ask you about current trends or challenges. Make sure you’re up to speed on what’s happening in your field so you can speak confidently about it.

3. Practice Behavioral Questions Using STAR

For situational or behavioral questions (like teamwork or leadership challenges), use the STAR method: Situation, Task, Action, Result. This helps you keep your answers structured, clear, and concise.

4. Review Your Application

Make sure the stories you share during the interview align with what you wrote in your INSEAD application essays. Questions like “Why MBA?” or “Why INSEAD?” should be easy to answer if you’re clear on the points you made in your essays.

5. Be Engaging

Alumni interviewers are looking to see if you’ll fit into the INSEAD culture, so bring energy and enthusiasm to the conversation. Don’t be afraid to let your personality shine. Smile, make eye contact, and stay genuinely interested in what your interviewer has to say.

6. Listen Carefully

Remember, this is a conversation, not a performance. Pay attention to what your interviewer is saying, and look for hints or cues about what they want to hear more of. Stay present and engaged in the moment.

7. Keep It Clear and Concise

It’s easy to ramble when you’re nervous, but try to keep your answers focused. If you feel like you’re talking too much, wrap it up and give the interviewer a chance to ask follow-up questions.

Learn from Our Success Stories

Want to hear from others who’ve been in your shoes? Check out these inspiring INSEAD success stories:

These stories offer valuable insights and can help you better understand what it takes to succeed in the INSEAD interview.

Final Thoughts

At the end of the day, the INSEAD interview is your chance to go beyond your resume and essays and really show who you are. It’s an opportunity to connect with alumni, demonstrate your fit for the program, and showcase your global mindset.

Be prepared, stay calm, and let your personality shine through. You’ve already made it this far, so take a deep breath and enjoy the process.

Drop us a line if you’d like support on your MBA applications – we’d be glad to be of help!

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