HEC Paris MBA Interview: The 10-minute Presentation

By Arvind Kumar

Format & Duration

After you submit your application online for the HEC Paris MBA and if you successfully pass the Pre-Selection Jury, you will be invited for two interviews. 

Both interviews have equal weight in the decision-making process. Each one consists of a 10-minute oral presentation on the topic of your choice, followed by an in-depth discussion concerning your application. 

Both interviewers are alumni of the HEC Paris MBA. The key factors that HEC looks for in the interviews are your communication skills, leadership potential, aspirations and values. The interviews are in English.

In this article, we will cover some key tips on how you can best prepare for the 10-minute presentation. 

Tips for preparation

Pick a topic you’re passionate about

Given the open-ended nature, the presentation can cover either professional or personal topics. The key is to pick a topic that you can talk about in-depth and take questions on: this usually happens to be a topic you’re passionate about.

Whether it’s about your inter-continental summer trip and the lessons you learned or your take on the future of an industry, go for it with full vigor.

Structure the slides well

Have a clear and logical flow through your slides, with an overarching storyline. Aim to balance the big-picture with details, and text with visuals.

The first and last few moments are super important, so make your slides punchy with a strong beginning and end.

Practice, practice, practice!

The more you practice, either by yourself or with a seasoned mentor/ coach, the better you’ll be able to spot your mistakes, and perfect your content and delivery.

Once you’re ready with your presentation, it’s time for the D-day. Here are some key ways in which you can stand out with your presentation: 

Tips for D-day

Be your authentic self

Showcase your personality, and be honest about your viewpoints. 

HEC values traits such as curiosity, problem solving, empathy and team-collaboration, so bringing out some of these (naturally) would help.

Engage with the interviewer

Pause occasionally to ask if the interviewer is on the same page, and give them the opportunity to ask questions. 

Don’t be over defensive though. If the interviewer digs deeper or throws a curveball question, stay calm and try to address it the best way you can.

Link to your MBA/ post-MBA journey 

Wherever possible, try to link the topic back to why you are doing an MBA and how you foresee your career going forward. 

This helps strengthen the narrative for the rest of the interview, and also shows the interviewer that you’ve given the topic some thought.

Final Thoughts

We hope this article provided you with some insights on the 10-minute presentation as part of the HEC Paris MBA interview. For more tips on MBA interviews, check out here

If you’d like our support with mock interviews, please write to us at consultingteam[at]admitstreet[dot]com or fill in the form here and we’ll get back

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