Georgetown McDonough MBA Essays: Tips, Analysis, Frameworks for 2025 Admissions

By admitStreet Team

Applying to Georgetown University’s McDonough School of Business for the 2025 MBA program requires more than just showcasing your professional achievements. 

The McDonough MBA essays are designed to help you reflect on personal experiences, demonstrate your values, and show how you will contribute to their community. Whether you’re writing about diversity, supporting others, or achieving excellence, your essay should align with Georgetown’s Jesuit mission of care, inclusion, and leadership. 

In this article, we break down each essay prompt, offer tips, and provide a framework for crafting a winning response to help you stand out in the admissions process.

Personal Essay

Please select one of the following three essays to complete in 500 words (approximately two pages, double-spaced) and include the essay prompt and your first/last name at the top of your submission.

Essay Option One – Georgetown Community

Our mission is rooted in Jesuit principles of equality and respect for everyone and an ethos of caring for the whole person. Inclusivity and diversity are core to supporting a community of people with an intersectional understanding of themselves and the world around them. Share how your educational, familial, cultural, economic, social, and/or other individual life experiences will contribute to the diversity of perspectives and ideas at Georgetown University.

​Essay Option Two – Cura Personalis

As the oldest Jesuit institution in the United States, cura personalis is a Latin phrase deeply ingrained within our community and translates to “care of the person.” It encompasses a profound sense of care and responsibility for one another, rooted in personalized attention to each individual’s needs, unique circumstances, gifts, and limitations, fostering the growth of each person. Please reflect on a specific instance where you exemplified cura personalis by supporting a teammate or coworker. Describe the particular actions you took to guide them, and explain the impact of these efforts. Additionally, discuss how you would leverage these experiences to contribute to the collaborative environment at Georgetown McDonough.

Essay Option Three – Achieving Excellence

Georgetown McDonough is committed to achieving greater excellence to enrich the legacies of our students and alumni. Please reflect on a professional experience from your resume where you achieved outstanding results. Describe why this experience exemplified excellence, highlight the strengths or skills you utilized that contributed to this achievement, and share how these qualities will help you leave a legacy at Georgetown.

Essay Option One – Georgetown Community

“Our mission is rooted in Jesuit principles of equality and respect for everyone and an ethos of caring for the whole person. Inclusivity and diversity are core to supporting a community of people with an intersectional understanding of themselves and the world around them. Share how your educational, familial, cultural, economic, social, and/or other individual life experiences will contribute to the diversity of perspectives and ideas at Georgetown University.”

What the Admissions Committee Seeks

Georgetown McDonough is searching for candidates who not only recognize the importance of diversity but also understand how their personal experiences contribute to a richer, more inclusive environment. 

The school values a community that brings together people from various walks of life who are eager to share their unique perspectives. If you have a story that highlights your cultural background, educational path, or any personal challenges, this is your chance to showcase how it has shaped you and will benefit the Georgetown community.

Framework to Write a Winning Essay

To write a compelling response:

  1. Start with Self-Reflection: Take the time to think deeply about the experiences that have shaped who you are. These could be familial, cultural, economic, or any other personal factors that have contributed to your worldview. Reflect on the challenges and opportunities you’ve encountered and how they’ve influenced your perspective.
  2. Focus on Specific Experiences: Instead of generalizing, dive into a couple of concrete experiences that have made an impact on you. Perhaps you’ve navigated a cross-cultural environment, overcome socio-economic challenges, or gained unique insights from your educational background. Highlight moments that had a transformative effect on you.
  3. Connect to Georgetown: Once you’ve identified your key experiences, explain how they will allow you to contribute to Georgetown’s inclusive community. Emphasize the perspectives, ideas, and values you’ll bring to the table that align with the school’s mission of creating a diverse and supportive environment.
  4. Look Forward: End by discussing how your time at Georgetown will not only benefit you but also enrich the experiences of others. How do you plan to engage with the community, share your insights, and learn from others in return?

Tips for Writing

  • Be Authentic: Don’t try to fit a mold—embrace your uniqueness and tell your story genuinely.
  • Highlight Growth: Show how your experiences have shaped your ability to empathize with and understand others from different backgrounds.
  • Be Specific: Use anecdotes and examples to make your essay more relatable and engaging.

Essay Option Two – Cura Personalis

“As the oldest Jesuit institution in the United States, cura personalis is a Latin phrase deeply ingrained within our community and translates to ‘care of the person.’ It encompasses a profound sense of care and responsibility for one another, rooted in personalized attention to each individual’s needs, unique circumstances, gifts, and limitations, fostering the growth of each person. Please reflect on a specific instance where you exemplified cura personalis by supporting a teammate or coworker. Describe the particular actions you took to guide them, and explain the impact of these efforts. Additionally, discuss how you would leverage these experiences to contribute to the collaborative environment at Georgetown McDonough.”

What the Admissions Committee Seeks

The concept of “cura personalis” reflects the Jesuit value of caring for the whole person. 

Georgetown McDonough is looking for candidates who are not only collaborative but also show empathy and leadership by supporting others in their personal and professional growth. They want to see that you understand the importance of community and teamwork and that you can extend your skills and experience to help others succeed.

Framework to Write a Winning Essay

Here’s how to structure this essay:

  1. Identify a Moment of Support: Think of a specific example from your professional or personal life where you made an effort to support someone—a coworker, teammate, or peer. This should be a situation where your intervention or guidance made a real impact.
  2. Describe Your Actions in Detail: Explain the context of the situation, why the person needed support, and what steps you took. Highlight any challenges you faced in helping them and how you navigated these challenges with empathy and care.
  3. Show the Impact: Detail how your actions positively influenced the person you helped. Did their performance improve? Did your relationship grow stronger? This is your chance to demonstrate the tangible results of your supportive leadership.
  4. Relate it to Georgetown: After discussing this instance, reflect on how you would bring this supportive, empathetic leadership style to the collaborative environment at Georgetown. How will you contribute to the growth of your classmates and create a caring community?

Tips for Writing

  • Focus on contribution: Focus on how your actions would make a difference for the Georgetown McDonough community..
  • Highlight Leadership: Emphasize the leadership qualities you demonstrated, such as listening, mentoring, or guiding.
  • Make It Personal: Share how this experience changed you and shaped your approach to teamwork and leadership.

Essay Option Three – Achieving Excellence

“Georgetown McDonough is committed to achieving greater excellence to enrich the legacies of our students and alumni. Please reflect on a professional experience from your resume where you achieved outstanding results. Describe why this experience exemplified excellence, highlight the strengths or skills you utilized that contributed to this achievement, and share how these qualities will help you leave a legacy at Georgetown.”

What the Admissions Committee Seeks

Georgetown McDonough looks for students who are not only high achievers but also have the potential to leave a lasting legacy. In this essay, they’re looking for examples of excellence from your professional life, where your skills and leadership directly contributed to exceptional results. This is your opportunity to highlight your key strengths and connect them to the larger Georgetown community.

Framework to Write a Winning Essay

To structure your response:

  1. Choose a High-Impact Experience: Pick a moment from your professional career where your contributions were critical to a successful outcome. This could be a project you led, a challenge you overcame, or a significant achievement that stands out on your resume.
  2. Explain Why It Exemplified Excellence: Don’t just describe what happened; explain why this moment represents excellence. Discuss the goals, the stakes, and how your efforts exceeded expectations.
  3. Highlight Your Strengths: Break down the specific skills, qualities, or leadership abilities you used to achieve this success. Was it strategic thinking? Team leadership? Problem-solving? Be clear about what you brought to the table.
  4. Link to Georgetown’s Legacy: Discuss how these strengths will help you contribute to the legacy of excellence at Georgetown. How do you plan to apply these skills to leave a lasting impact on the program, your classmates, and the alumni community?

Tips for Writing

  • Be Confident but Humble: Show your achievements without coming across as boastful. Focus on the team or broader goals as well.
  • Showcase Key Strengths: Use this essay to demonstrate your leadership, strategic thinking, or other core competencies.
  • Be Forward-Looking: Don’t just dwell on past accomplishments—discuss how you will continue to strive for excellence at Georgetown and beyond.
  • Provide Specific Examples: Use the STAR/CARL approach to offer concrete instances where you demonstrated your skills, ensuring your examples are detailed and clearly illustrate the impact you made.

Video Essay

Prompt: “We believe a vibrant community is built on diverse and unique individuals, and we want you to bring your whole self to Georgetown McDonough. We’ve learned about your professional and leadership qualities throughout the application, but now we want to know more about you beyond work. Whether it’s a new hobby, a fun adventure, or a simple pleasure, in one minute, share what has recently brought you joy outside of work.”

What Georgetown McDonough MBA Admissions Committee Seeks

Georgetown McDonough values a well-rounded individual. In this video, they’re looking to understand your personality beyond your resume. They want to see what makes you tick, what brings you joy, and what kind of person you’ll be within their community. 

The admissions committee seeks students who not only excel in their professional lives but also bring diversity of thought, experiences, and personal interests into the program. Through this video, they’re evaluating your fit within McDonough’s inclusive, vibrant, and collaborative culture.

The key is to highlight something that matters to you personally, showcasing your authenticity. The admissions committee isn’t expecting you to present a groundbreaking passion or complex hobby—they want to see a glimpse of who you are when the suit comes off. How do you balance life? What sparks joy in your day-to-day life?

Framework to Craft a Winning Video Essay

Start by reflecting on what truly brings you joy outside of work. This could be a hobby, a recent adventure, time spent with family or friends, or even a small but meaningful part of your routine, like a favorite book or evening run. Whatever it is, ensure it’s something that reflects your personality and values.

Next, plan the structure of your video. Since you only have one minute, think about pacing and clarity. A simple structure could include:

  1. A brief introduction of the activity or interest.
  2. Why this activity brings you joy.
  3. How it helps you disconnect from the stresses of professional life or enhances your overall well-being.

For instance, if you’ve recently started painting, you could say, “I’ve always found joy in creativity, and painting has allowed me to channel my thoughts in a new, meaningful way.” Share the emotional or personal connection rather than just listing the activity.

When recording the video, make sure your surroundings are well-lit, your audio is clear, and there are no distractions. Being candid and conversational is key. Georgetown recommends unscripted videos, so rather than memorizing lines, speak from the heart. The goal is to give the admissions committee a glimpse of the real you.

Tips for Writing and Recording the Video Essay

  1. Be authentic: Don’t overthink what will impress the admissions committee. Choose something that genuinely brings you joy—whether it’s hiking, reading sci-fi, or cooking with your family. Authenticity shines through.
  2. Stay relaxed: The video doesn’t have to be perfect. You don’t need professional editing skills. What matters is the clarity of your message and the sincerity of your delivery.
  3. Practice briefly: While Georgetown encourages unscripted videos, practicing once or twice can help ensure you’re comfortable with the content and timing. Keep it conversational, like you’re talking to a friend.
  4. Focus on lighting and sound: Ensure the video quality is clear enough for your audience to see and hear you. Use natural light if possible and choose a quiet space for recording.
  5. Showcase your personality: Let the admissions committee see your enthusiasm for whatever brings you joy. Smile, be energetic, and let your true self shine.

Optional Essay

Prompt: “Please provide any information you would like to add to your application that you have not otherwise included (300-350 words, approximately one page, double spaced).”

What Georgetown McDonough MBA Admissions Committee Seeks

The optional essay is your chance to address any gaps or anomalies in your application that haven’t been covered elsewhere. The admissions committee uses this essay to gain more context about your background and story. 

If there’s something you think might raise questions—like gaps in employment, low test scores, or a switch in career paths—this is the place to provide clarity.

Beyond addressing potential concerns, you can also use this essay to highlight an aspect of your candidacy that isn’t fully captured in your resume or other essays. Maybe you’ve undertaken a personal project or had a life experience that’s deeply shaped your perspective and motivation to pursue an MBA at Georgetown McDonough.

Framework to Craft a Winning Optional Essay

Start by identifying what additional information would strengthen your application. This could be explaining a job gap, lower-than-expected grades or test scores, a unique life circumstance, or even your choice of recommenders.

Structure your essay in three clear parts:

  1. Introduction: Briefly state the issue or additional information you want to address.
  2. Context: Provide the necessary background. For example, if you’re explaining a gap in employment, discuss why the gap occurred and what you learned from it.
  3. Resolution: Explain how you’ve grown from this experience, how it has prepared you for an MBA, or how it shaped your goals. Ensure the essay ends on a positive note, emphasizing your readiness for the rigorous MBA program.

For example, if you’re addressing a low GMAT score, you could say, “While my test scores may not fully reflect my abilities, my work experience and academic record demonstrate my capability to succeed in the Georgetown MBA program.”

Tips for Writing the Optional Essay

  1. Be concise and clear: This essay should be straightforward and focused on delivering a clear message. Avoid over-explaining or going off-topic.
  2. Stay positive: While you’re addressing potential weaknesses, frame them as learning experiences that have contributed to your personal and professional growth.
  3. Be honest: If there’s a gap in your resume or an academic challenge, be transparent about it. Admissions committees appreciate candor, especially when it’s followed by an explanation of how you’ve improved or what you’ve learned.
  4. Avoid using this essay unnecessarily: If your application already provides a full picture of your qualifications, and there’s nothing else you need to address, it’s okay to skip this essay. Writing something just for the sake of filling the space can dilute your application’s overall impact.

Final Thoughts

Your Georgetown McDonough MBA essays are a powerful way to showcase your unique qualities and how you align with the program’s values. 

Whether you write about the diversity of your experiences, your care for others, or your pursuit of excellence, your goal should be to reflect deeply and present an authentic version of yourself. Paired with a compelling video essay and optional statement, your application can effectively demonstrate your fit for McDonough’s collaborative and inclusive environment. 

By following the tips and framework provided, you’ll be on your way to crafting a thoughtful, standout application.

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